Mentorship/Internship Program

Mentorship has been from the first year, one of the tenets of HCG. Bibi is a big believer in the European apprenticeship tradition and has built such a strong model that all local universities (UCSD, SDSU, Point Loma Nazarene…) as well as high schools such as High Tech High send her students for internships. She also accepts independent summer interns from all over the US as well as internationally.  In 2015, Bibi was named “100 top mentor in the US” by the Mentor Insight Institute and mentioned in the book “Going Supernova- the bold paths of 101 super achievers”.

If you wish to read about Bibi’s Mentorship style and why she was chosen as 100 supernovas, you can read her story here. 

Molly Lavik has chosen 101 mentors across America and has chronicled their journeys. She has then carefully analyzed each pattern at the Mentor InSight Institute to help develop mentoring tools. In her insightful book,  Molly has called Bibi “Ziggzager Extraordinaire”- something Bibi fully agrees with.  Bibi has mentored many young and older people in her many different careers and has developed tools to continue to help you find your purpose in life.

To apply for internships you can contact her directly at [email protected]